UV Care ZAP is the answer to your on-the-go UV-C sterilization needs and at home. It is UV Care’s new revolutionary product that comes with a rubber guard where you can attach an adhesive strip so you can easily and securely attach the device on almost any surface. Simply power on to sterilize through our premium UV-C light technology. You can also attach it to the interior of your glove compartment to sterilize parking cards, money, your phone and other small items.
Sterilize your groceries in the trunk while you’re on the road back home so you won’t have to worry about disinfecting them when you arrive. You can also sterilize the interiors of your document drawers and clothing cabinets. Have you been ordering food or items online that are delivered to your home? Why not recommend UV Care ZAP to your favorite delivery app or online shops? This device definitely has multiple uses.
UV Care is a US brand that is US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Registered and is Rated A+ by the US Better Business Bureau (BBB) . UV Care is also a member of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA).
What sets UV Care's UVC lamp apart from other UVC lamps?
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